The next recipe in my list, is one that is very dear to me and my family. Bread Upma! I still remember the eye widening reaction my children still give when I tell them that Bread Upma has been prepared! From my daughter’s over use of ketchup while devouring this dish to my son’s combination of this dish with a glass of orange juice, the tales associated with this dish never get old. Let’s take a look at a very simple and tasty dish!



Bread slices—                          8-10 slices (white /brown)

Onion—                                     1 ,cut into small pieces

Tomato paste / Ketchup—       1 tsp / 4 tbsp

Garam masala powder—         ½ tsp

Pepper powder—                       ½ tsp

Mustard seeds—                       ½ tsp

Salt—                                            ¼ tsp

Oil—                                             2 tbsp

Fresh coriander leaves.


Cut bread slices into small cubes ( best to use one day old bread).  Add 3 tbsp water, salt, garam masala powder and pepper powder to the tomato paste and mix well. If using ketchup avoid water and rest of the spices.

Heat  oil in a pan add the mustard seeds , when they splutter add the onion and sauté them till the onion turns translucent. Now add the tomato / ketchup mixture and stir well for 2-3 minutes or till you see the oil floating on the top. Now add the bread pieces and mix it well with the gravy. Lower the flame, cover the pan and cook for 2 minutes. Put off the flame add the coriander leaves ,mix well . Your bread upma is ready. Pack the upma in your child’s tiffin box and, relax and enjoy this bread upma for your breakfast.

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